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Safety and Security

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Safety & Security

John Blaisdell, Director of Safety & Security,
Al Abdelrahman, Associate Director of Safety & Security, Operations,
Brian Dolansky, Associate Director of Operations, Technology & Planning,

General inquiries:

General 24/7 Office Phone: 845-575-3282

The Office of Safety and Security at Marist College is a 24-hour a day, 每周7天营业,约有40名全职和兼职员工. All Security Officers are NYS Certified by the Department of State, they are not law enforcement, and do not have arrest powers.  安全及保安处处长及两名副处处长负责监督部门. 安全保障部负责管理学院的几项重要职能;

  • Access Control -通过钥匙和电子卡门禁卡的结合,使我们的社区能够在适当的时间安全地进入建筑物. Additionally, the college is equipped with an extensive camera monitor system.
  • Investigator - 该部门还设有一名调查员进行后续调查. In addition, the Investigator, in cooperation with the Office of Housing and Residential Life, conducts Crime Prevention seminars at residence halls or floor meetings.
  • Office Support - An Administrative Coordinator & Office Assistant that oversees the clerical functions, supervises student employees, Security Office issues, maintains all student and staff parking permits and parking ticket records.
  • Patrol - There are three patrol shifts per day. A Supervisor is in command of the patrol operation for the shift. 他/她负责监督一名调度员(记录呼叫并监控火灾报警系统)和三到五名巡逻人员,他们在步行哨所或车辆巡逻. All residence halls, (不包括联排别墅设施)都配备了刷卡门禁系统,只有获得授权的居民才能进入大楼. 
  • Fire Protection -校内所有建筑物均设有消防装置,并24小时监控. 学院每年由纽约防火和控制办公室检查,所有建筑物都符合纽约消防法规. 安全与安保厅定期在所有建筑物进行消防演习. The Fairview Fire Department, located about one mile from the College, 对所有警报作出反应,并通过学院的无线网络与我们的官员保持联系.
  • Emergency Phones 校园配备了32个“蓝光”紧急电话,分布在校园内的停车场. Officers perform lock-out and jump-start services for students and staff. "Lost and Found" items are held at the Security office until claimed.
  • SNAPThe College has a successful student-run, 校园范围内的护送服务- SNAP(学生夜间辅助巡逻),在黑暗的时间里从一栋楼走到另一栋楼. 当学生护送服务不当值时,由保安员执行护送功能.
  • MaristAlerts 安全和安保厅还制作和分发了几本bet亚洲365欢迎投注消防安全的小册子, Personal Safety, and information how to register for MaristAlerts, 我们的大众通讯系统,通知学生在紧急情况下的雪,延误和关闭.
  • Parking -该部门负责建立和执行一个停车系统,以满足所有学生的需求, Faculty, Staff, and guests. Presently there is adequate parking available for all on the campus proper, however, 所有用户都必须遵守在适当的地段和地点停车的规定,以保持停车计划的安全, and meets the needs of everyone. More information on parking can be found on this website.

安全部门利用各种技术来最大限度地保证校园安全. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Mass Communications system – MaristAlerts
  • Social Media Monitoring
  • Telephone & Radio recording
  • 200+ views on recorded  CCTV System
  • Gunshot Detection devices
  • Personal Wearable Safety devices with GPS – Ripple
  • 30+ parking lot blue light telephones
  • Access control cards and electronic doors

Marist College maintains a long-standing, 与为学院和周边地区服务的警察机构建立工作关系. They are: the Town and City of Poughkeepsie Police Departments, The Dutchess County Sheriff's Office, 纽约州警察和纽约州酒精饮料管制委员会调查科. 涉及大学生作为犯罪受害者或嫌疑人的刑事调查由保安厅协调. 安全和安保办公室与这些机构会面并分享感兴趣的信息. Agencies readily send officers to College events such as career days, our annual Wellness Fair, 并就各种执法和预防犯罪主题向学生小组发表演讲. 来自不同部门的几位官员作为我们的教师成员,兼职教授学院课程. The College, in cooperation with these agencies, 还举办各种研讨会,将执法人员和其他人类服务提供者聚集到校园.

Suggestions, comments, and concerns are always welcomed, 我们希望满足我们社区在安全和安保领域的需求和期望. Please feel free to email or call 845-575-3282.

The College's annual security compliance document can be accessed at: Annual Security & Fire Safety Report


Mission Statement

At Marist, the safety and wellbeing of our students, faculty, staff, and visitors are always our number one priority. 玛丽斯特安全试图通过培养合作意识,将自己融入学院的整体教育使命, respect, and teamwork among the campus community.


Emergency Numbers

On Campus  
Marist College Safety and Security 845-575-3282
Emergency Call Boxes Press Button 
Title IX Coordinator (845) 575-3799
Student Affairs (845)-575-3515 
Student Conduct (845)-575-3514 
Residence Life (845)-575-3307 
Marist Counseling Service (8:30 am-5:00 pm, M-F) (845) 575-3314 
Marist Health Services (8:30 am-7: 00 pm M-F) (845) 575-3270
Emergency 911 
Fire/Police/Ambulance 911
Town of Poughkeepsie Police (845) 485-3666
New York State Police Sexual Assault 24/7 Hotline (844) 845-7269 
Dutchess County Sheriff (845) 486-3800
Poughkeepsie Domestic Violence 24/7 Hotline (845) 485-5550 
Poughkeepsie Rape Crisis and Crime Victims 24/7 Hotline (845) 452-7272 
Poughkeepsie Grace Smith House for Domestic Violence Victims (845) 452-7155 
SAFE Unit at Hospital through Crime Victims (845) 452-7272 
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (800) 784-2433 / (800) 273-8255


Missing Student Policy - Listing a Confidential Contact

Marist College has in place, a procedure for Missing Student Notification. 这一程序包括调查失踪学生的下落,并通知卫生部概述和禁止的指定人员.E.O.A. (Higher Education Opportunity Act) 

As required by law, 每个学生都有权列出一名保密联系人,如果他们被报告失踪,他们可以委托该联系人提供有关他们下落的信息. 保密联系人是指学生选择作为向安全部门发布信息的联系人的人, College Administrators and/or Law Enforcement Officials. The Confidential Contact does not have to be your parent or guardian. 你可以指定任何人发布你的下落信息. 

如果您希望列出保密联系人,请访问我们网站上的地址: and follow the prompts. You may change your Confidential Contact Person at any time.

Pet Policy

校园内的宠物必须由主人/处理者随时用皮带拴住,否则将被带走. The owner/handler is responsible for cleaning up after the pet. Additionally, 宠物不允许进入校园建筑物或建筑物或任何提供食物和/或饮料的区域. 表现出攻击性或破坏性行为的宠物将被赶出校园. This policy does not apply to service animals.

Marist College Bicycle Registration Program

Bicycling has become an increasingly popular way of getting around campus, so the Office of Safety and Security is encouraging Marist students, faculty, and staff to register their bicycles at no cost. This program is voluntary and offers the following advantages:

  • Serves as a deterrent to theft
  • Assists in the identification of lost or stolen bicycles
  • Allows Security to easily notify the owner of lost or abandoned bicycles
  • Helps the College better plan for the future of bicycles housed on campus

Registering your bicycle is easy. Simply follow the steps outlined below:

  1. Download and fill out the Bicycle Registration Form  pdf icon
  2. 周一到周五早上7:30,带着填好的表格到Donnelly 201的安全与安保办公室骑自行车.m. - 2:15 p.m.
  3. 调查员拉尔夫·达利索会给你的自行车一个连续的马里斯识别码,并给它拍张照片
  4. That’s it! You’re on your way

Crime Statistics and the Annual Security & Fire Safety Report

In compliance with the Clery Act, 玛丽斯特学院向教育部报告必要的犯罪统计数据,并在我们的年度安全报告中公布 & Fire Safety Report. In addition to crime statistics, this report includes institutional policies related to campus security, such as policies concerning alcohol and drug use, crime prevention, the reporting of crimes, sexual assault, bias crimes, and other crimes. The crime statistics may be viewed at the following locations:

要获得完整报告和犯罪统计的纸质副本,请与安全部门联系 & Security Office, Room 201 in Donnelly Hall or call (845) 575-3282.